On July 21st, The family Crest, played The Loft at the city Winery Philadelphia. The city winery is located in the fashion District in Philadelphia, between Tenth and Market street. as you enter the venue, which doubles as a restaurant, you are greeted by a very friendly and helpful staff and the magnificent aromas of items from their menu. The Venue/Restaurant has two stages, the main stage downstairs and the Loft on the main floor. The city Winery has a beautiful atmosphere with well designed decor and excellent ambience. there is a dinner service typically before the show.
Opening the night was Brittany Ann Tranbaugh, a solo singer/songwriter for this evening. she Also occasionally plays with a band. she commanded the room well, delivering stories and jokes between songs. she has an EP Coming out soon but if you catch a show, she has cds available.
After a very brief intermission the night's headliner, The Family Crest, came on. Their first song was "I sleep with the windows Open" from their most recent album "The War: Part II." The Band consists of Liam McCormick (lead vocals, Guitar), John Seeterlin (bass), Laura Bergmann (flute, Piano, Vocals), Christian Miceli (Drums), Lawrence Pi (saxophone), Jerry LIU (Cello).  The band played amazingly. every song sounded as good as it does on the album. They Played songs from the albums "the War: Part II," "the War: Part I," "beneath The Brine," among others. They Commanded the stage with energy, taking moments in between to joke with each other and the fans. they even pulled the fans into doing some back up ohs and ahs. since the room was seated, the band encouraged fans to get up and let the music move them if they wanted. After their "last" song, Liam  came back acoustic guitar in hand and performed one more song, with the band coming back out after that to perform "Cold, Cold, Cold" from "the War: Part II." it was a perfect song to end the evening. 
I, For one, can honestly not wait to see them again and would suggest others to check them out if given the opportunity. you can find their music on all streaming platforms and order records and other merchandise  from their website thefamilycrest.net 

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